

周一, 5月20日, 2024, 波士顿大学学院 hosted its 30th 毕业典礼 exercise at BU’s Tsai Performance Center. The bbin娱乐平台 Class of 2024 crossed the stage to receive their diplomas from 校长 Chris Kolovos and Associate 校长 Rosemary White. Ibukun Owolabi '24 and Anais Kim '24 delivered the student addresses; Olga Meserman '24 and Elizabeth Brown '24 recited the Classics orations in Latin and Greek, 分别. Following the ceremony, graduates and their families celebrated with a reception on BU Beach. 波士顿大学临时校长肯尼斯. 弗里曼发表了今年毕业典礼的主题演讲. President Freeman drew on his 40-year career in business to impart some life lessons to our graduates, 留言:“我有三条信息要给你. 如果您采用它们作为您的工具包的一部分, you'll make a difference in the world; you'll enjoy your life personally and professionally; and you can do so with a... 更多的

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This year, bbin娱乐平台 introduced a new forum to showcase the high-level 研究 of our seniors. 2024年5月13日,北航举办了第一届年度毕业论文研讨会. The 53 members of the senior class presented their work at a poster session in the GSU’s Metcalf Hall, 然后是个人论文报告. 话题从CRISPR到牛仔无所不包, 欧里庇得斯对宇宙说, 从时尚到存在主义哲学, 埃利·威塞尔的白色屋顶. The Symposium offered a stage on which to celebrate our seniors and their remarkable thesis 研究, the academic culmination of their bbin娱乐平台 experience: identifying a question worth exploring, 寻求指导, 研究深入, 运用批判性的分析视角, 向非专业观众传达结论, 回答问题. Read the complete list of 2024 Senior Thesis titles below – and prepare to be amazed!     2024级毕业论文称号 CRISPR的历史和伦理 马萨诸塞州公交的伦理困境... 更多的

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bbin娱乐平台的机器人团队, Lobstah机器人, participated in the FIRST 机器人 New England District Championships in Springfield, 2024年4月初获得硕士学位. 尽管这支球队未能获得世锦赛的参赛资格, 在比赛的最后一天,他们在球场上表现得非常出色, Lobstah机器人赢得了FIRST创新控制奖, which is given to a robot with an “innovative and unique” control scheme that is “integrated with the machine, 人类玩家, 以及战略”,包括概念和执行. 其实用圆滑的机械设计, 搭配令人印象深刻的自动对准和LED信号软件, 让团队的机器人“啄木鸟”脱颖而出. This has been one of the team's most competitive and successful seasons in its history. 在2月份, Lobstah机器人 were invited to present their work and robot at the International Society for Laboratory and Automation... 更多的

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我们即将结束我们的招生季节——这是一个多么美好的季节啊. 我们收到的申请比学校历史上任何时候都多. 我们比以往任何时候都更加挑剔. 我们的秋季入学人数已经满了. 我们为每一个我们认为应该在这里学习的学生提供了助学金, again maintaining no financial aid waitlist – a testament to our values and a product of the philanthropic generosity of our community. 最重要的是, 今年秋天,我们将迎来一位非常有才华的人, 种类, 好奇的, 不同群体的新生. 我都等不及让你见见他们了! I’m writing to thank all of you who played a role in this year’s admission season. 这是许多人的工作. Thank you to the dozens of bbin娱乐平台 alumni who conducted admissions interviews and participated in panels. 感谢我们的父母,他们在活动中与我们分享他们的经历,伸出援手... 更多的


上个星期天, 我们的许多家庭庆祝复活节, 其他人则根据东正教日历在五月初庆祝. 我祝愿大家有一个快乐和祝福的逾越节. I also extend warm wishes to our Muslim families who mark Ramadan this month and Eid next week. 开斋节穆巴拉克. 他们的老师离开学校去参加一个全国艺术教育者会议, 今天上午我很荣幸上了第一节绘画课. 上课前, 我坐在讲台前不停地敲击键盘, focused too much on clearing my inbox and looking up every few moments to greet students as they settled in. 8点55分,上课铃响了. I closed my laptop screen, stood up, and found ten students seated around the room. They had brushes in hand, paint palettes on trays in front of them, and heads down engrossed... 更多的


本周,我们在全校会议上听到了两位bbin娱乐平台校友的发言. Dheekshita Kumar ‘16 spoke about her career as an entrepreneur and the ways her bbin娱乐平台 experience set her down that path. She told us about the time when she and her friends published a book of poetry as high schoolers with the support and guidance of their English teacher, 谁揭开了自助出版的神秘面纱. She described the process of envisioning and launching bbin娱乐平台’s middle school model UN tournament (bbin娱乐平台MUN), 哪一个现在已经成为一种制度. The confidence she gained from her experiences bringing an idea to life at bbin娱乐平台 gave her a lifelong I-can-do-that attitude, which has translated into entrepreneurial success at an early age during and after college doing socially meaningful work. We also heard from Jon Freeman ’04, the recipient of this year’s Distinguished 校友 Award. Jon is a professor and 研究er at Columbia University studying social psychology, combining that... 更多的


几个小时后, 50名北澳学生, 在教职员工的带领下, 会在三个地方进行智力冒险吗. 其中一组前往伊斯坦布尔, 他们将在加州大学洛杉矶分校古典历史研究的基础上继续学习, 现代政治与文化, 和几何通过奥斯曼建筑和装饰. 另一位则去巴黎亲身体验文学, visiting the places that so many of the expat writers from their American Literature course frequented and engaging in daily writing assignments while there. 第三类人前往纽约市,参加以艺术为中心的旋风式爵士乐俱乐部, 博物馆, 歌剧, 戏剧, 以及更多——补充他们每天在bbin娱乐平台工作室所做的工作, 剧院, 还有音乐室. 这些不是观光旅行. 它们是bbin娱乐平台教室的无墙版本. 我要感谢所有的教职员工... 更多的


昨天,我们的十年级学生参加了一个午餐谈话与博士. Ingrid 安德森, the Associate Director of BU’s Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies. Dr. 安德森, 她在波士顿大学获得了博士学位, 埃利·威塞尔还是这里的教授时,我跟他上过很多课, 与他密切合作, and has done a great deal of 研究 and writing focused on Wiesel and his work. The students are in the midst of a unit in their history course exploring the Holocaust and the creation of the State of Israel. 他们最近读了埃利·威塞尔的《BBIN集团官方网站》, the famous memoir of Wiesel’s experience at Auschwitz and Buchenwald during the Holocaust, 马上就会读威塞尔的《黎明, 以战后时期为背景的虚构作品. Dr. 安德森 shared personal stories about what Wiesel was like as a teacher and mentor, 探讨他对道德和政治的看法, 描述了数以百计的... 更多的


bbin娱乐平台度过了令人兴奋的一周! 上周五, 爵士乐队和沼泽猫娱乐学生, 教师, 工作人员, 父母, 甚至爷爷奶奶来我们的情人节歌舞表演. 舞池里热闹非凡. 昨天, both the boys and girls varsity basketball teams won their league championships in close games in front of a lively home crowd. 在女孩游戏中, 大四学生阿奈斯·金取得了一个罕见的里程碑——得了1分,000 points – which is even more impressive given that she did so in just three years (COVID canceled her 9th-grade season). 今晚,我们将在同一个体育馆庆祝农历新年. 东亚学生协会的学生, 还有几十位家长, 有条理的食物, 音乐, 和游戏,与整个bbin娱乐平台大家庭分享这一重要的文化时刻. 欢迎所有人,我们希望在那里看到你们中的许多人. 我很惊讶有多少人... 更多的


On Tuesday, 波士顿大学’s interim President, Ken Freeman, spoke at our all-school meeting. 弗里曼校长在为波士顿大学服务方面有着杰出的历史, 包括担任波士顿大学奎斯特罗姆商学院院长8年. 在此之前,他在工业界工作了近40年, 包括康宁公司的高级管理职位, 探索诊断, 和私募股权公司KKR. In 2013, Harvard Business Review named him one of the 100 best performing CEOs in the world. 他知道一些关于领导力的事情——这是他那天早上的话题. 他生动地概述了我们所知道的成功领导力, peppering his talk with anecdotes and grounding it in decades of scholarship about what works and what doesn’t. He invited students to think about their own preferred leadership styles and challenged them to begin developing their own leadership philosophies. 他吹捧情商的中心地位. 最值得注意的是,他向我们的学生保证,领导是... 更多的